Here you can find out what's new with us – in trademark law internationally and at SMD.

TMZOOM Now Available!
05.05.2022 - Products & Offers, TMZOOM
The new version of TMZOOM is now available: Your trademark search has never been so easy! Use our new tool for your trademark search now. It is modern, simple and convenient.

USPTO: Trademark Modernization Act
04.05.2022 - Country Index (EN)
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has published implementing regulations for the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020. For individuals, businesses, and the USPTO it becomes easier to clear away unused registered trademarks from the federal register.

EUIPO: Extension of Timeline
03.05.2022 - Country Index (EN)
EUIPO informs that a new extension has been granted for all parties in proceedings before the Office having their residence or registered office in Ukraine.

We are waiting for you!
03.04.2022 - General
We are expanding and looking for passionate employees to strengthen our team. The SMD Group is an exciting place to work. It offers the opportunity to work on challenging projects in a complex environment with an international and multi-cultural team.