Online Tools
Do you prefer to search and monitor your trademarks yourself?
This is how we support you
We offer intelligent solutions for you to perform searches yourself and process our watch notes – easy and convenient to use and, at the same time, reliable and secure.

Perform Searches Online
We have the perfect tool for you to perform trademark or design searches and create meaningful reports: identity and similarity searches, owner, image, pharma in-use, and FDA data. The possibilities are endless, while the handling is unbeatably simple. Online you can access the latest data from trademark databases worldwide.

Edit Watch Notes – Quickly
With our tool, you can sort and process the watch alerts you receive from us efficiently – whether at home, on the road, or in the office. You have insight into your watch portfolio at all times. Moreover you can set up your online watch orders. In this way you can act quickly to protect your trademarks!
All in one tool?
Recently, we have developed an online portal that can do both: TMZOOM. Performing searches, editing watch notes or setting up online watch orders has never been so easy! All you need is an internet access, and a PC, laptop or a tablet. Learn more in a personal consultation.

Felix Spehlmann
+49 4102 8048 38
Your Benefits

Single platform
Conduct your searches or watching from one central platform and in a uniform layout.

Global coverage
Search in up to 190 countries worldwide in one search procedure and with one screen.

Ranked hits
TMZOOM sorts the results in descending order of similarity. The ranking allows for quick review.

Maximum comfort
Ready-made templates for the reports allow anyone to present the results professionally.
Rapid results
Due to the ease of use, you spend less time performing searches and make more efficient decisions.

Attractive pricing
Pay-per-use, daily, monthly or annual tickets: Start searching with TMZOOM from 80 EUR per day and country!
Get to know TMZOOM
Watch this video to see what our new online tool does. Click here and let us convince you.