Hier erfahren Sie, was es Neues bei uns gibt – im Markenrecht international und bei SMD

28.10.2024 - Allgemeines, Produkte u. Angebote, TMZOOM
Der Name ändert sich, es bleiben die vertrauten CEDELEX-Funktionen. Nach der Umstellung werden Sie automatisch auf die neue URL, also die neue "Internet-Adresse" umgeleitet.

Madrid Protocol Regulations changed
18.11.2022 - Country Index (EN)
WIPO informs that a number of changes to the Regulations under the Madrid Protocol became effective on 1 November 2022.
The changes concern the appointment of representatives and the timeframe for renewal of international registrations.

Kosovo: New Trademark Law
17.08.2022 - Country Index (EN)
On 28 July 2022, a new trademark law came into force in Kosovo. It harmonizes local legislation with EU Directives and hence provides a basis for enforcing IP rights. To read the full update, please visit the Country Index website and subscribe to our free newsletter.

Kazakhstan amends IP Law
29.07.2022 - Country Index (EN)
On June 20, 2022, Kazakhstan adopted a set of IP Law amendments coming into force on August 21. The changes include the introduction of an opposition procedure for trademarks. Moreover, geographical indications were introduced as a new type of intellectual property.

WIPO: New Guide to Madrid System
22.07.2022 - Country Index (EN)
WIPO has released the new Guide to the International Registration of Marks under the Madrid Protocol. It is intended for applicants and holders of international registrations. The steps of the registration procedure and essential provisions are explained.